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Ex-Designer Project Bar | Reopening scheduled 22nd May 2024 | DHUB | Barcelona

Muntatge de l’Ex-Designer Project Bar al DHUB previst a finals de maig de 2024

Amics i amigues de l’Ex-Designer Bar:

El 2015 vam començar el projecte de L’Ex-Designer Project Bar, en el que partint d’un local buit i tres impressores 3d senzilles, anàvem construint l’espai i tots els elements del bar. Durant tot aquest temps el bar va estar en funcionament.

El 2020 el bar es va acabar de construir just al començament de la pandèmia i es va clausurar definitivament, sense la possibilitat de poder-lo inaugurar un cop completat.

El 2021 vam decidir espoliar-lo i convertir-lo en un objecte autònom i es va començar el desmuntatge que ha durat dos anys.

Aquest 2024 l’Ex-Designer Project Bar es reconstruirà en la seva versió portable per primera vegada al DHUB de Barcelona, on es podrà veure com a objecte -no en funcionament- durant dos o tres mesos i on s’aprofitarà per fer la inauguració oficial de l’Ex-Designer Project Bar.

Us mantindrem informats.

In November 2015 we started the project of the Ex-Designer Project Bar in an empty space on Carrer Entença 3 in Barcelona.

Over the years, the space was constructed using three 3D printers to eventually create walls, a bar, lights, posters, letters, stools, glasses, plates and cutlery. All elements were digitally drawn and printed with additive printing technology in grey corn-based PLA. Plates and glassware were produced in colorless gastronomy-grade PLA.  The project meant printing the space even as the bar being open for business, with standard opening hours and times booked for events, conferences and performances.

The bar interior was finished in February 2020, at the time when the pandemic was spreading around the globe. Lockdown began and forced the bar’s closure, and it remains closed.

A 1:50 3D printed scale model made in gray PLA, the same material that is used in the bar itself. The interior of the bar is thus consolidated as a scaled object, waiting to be transformed into a life-sized object. With this product, the souvenir precedes the archaeological object. In the beginning of 2021 we decided to transform the interior of the bar in an object.

In June 2021 the process of dismantling the bar began and the first PLA pieces have been extracted from the walls, to be repositioned in 23 ultralight wooden panels measuring 122x250cm, and 7 ceiling panels measuring 122x356cm. The total number of panels will be 30 and these will be stored in transport boxes.

The Bar will be build inside the DHUB, Museu del Disseny de Barcelona, and having a opening on the 22nd of May. The Bar will be on display till the 25th of August.

OPENING | 22nd May 2024 | DHUB Barcelona | On display from 22nd May till 25th of August

Dhub Barcelona

Photos Inga Knölke 2015-2024