Concepts and Ideas for Commercial Purposes
Archive 1997–2017: Exhibition | Interior | Project | Product

Scale of Relationality diagram | After Wearing. A History of Gestures, Actions and Jewelry | Pratt Manhattan Gallery | NY | 2015

After Wearing. A History of Gestures, Actions and Jewelry.

Participating artists: Roseanne Bartley, Kipp Bradford, Tracey Clement, Gabriel Craig, Jessica Craig Martin, Martí Guixé, Lauren Kalman, Suska Mackert, Jhana Millers, Yuka Oyama , Mah Rana, Schmuck2, Robert Smit, Joanne Wardrop, Becky Yee.

Curated by: Monica Gaspar and Damian Skinner

Pratt Manhattan Gallery
144 West 14th Street
Second Floor
New York, NY 10011